MACV Teams 3 & 4 Newsletters

This page is dedicated to Lt. Col. Tom Eigel, USAF (1934-2011),
Trail and Bilk FAC, who saved and shared its contents.

No. 3, May 6, 1968   

Hué  No. 3, p 1

Hué  No. 3, p 2

Hué  No. 3, p 3

Hué  No. 3, p 4

Hué  No. 3, p 5

Hué  No. 3, p 6

Hué  No. 3, p 7

Hué  No. 3, p 8

Click here for issue No. 4, May 17, 1968

NOTE: George Smith, who contributed much of the material for these Newsletters, has since published
an excelent narrative, The Siege of Hué.   A preview of this book is avallable on Google Books.

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